blood mage
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עמוד 1 מתוך 1
blood mage
Blood Mage
Required Attributes:
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 9
Strength: 9
Hit Points: 1d6
Saving Throws: Mage
Thac0: Rogue
Weapon: 2/4
Nonweapon: 3/3
Accessible: General, Warrior, Wizard
Can use weapons as per thief.
Spells: See Blood Magic
Blood Magic
Blood magic is a very destructive, and dangerous magic. Although useable by any intelligent race that can be said to have blood running in it's veins, it is only extensively used by the orcs, and the snake people of the south. The class Blood Mage has been detailed on another page.
To cast any blood magic spell, it is necessary to give the spell some of your blood. The experienced blood mage can be easily identified by the extensive scaring covering their arms. The blood mage normally will slice their arms with an atheme (consecrated knife) and then draw the ensuing blood into their spell. Each hit point is equivalent to one spell point. If a blood mage attempts to draw too much power (casts a spell that lowers them to 0 or less hit points), the greedy magic forces will no longer be held in check. On a failed saving throw vs. death, s/he will be instantly (an painfully) drained of blood, killing him/her (as it takes intense concentration to stop the flow of blood to the magics, and a mage who has knocked him/herself out cannot concentrate very well!) A blood mage is, however, able to use other people's blood for the casting of their spells. However, it the person whose blood is being used is killed in the process, the blood mage must make a saving throw Vs. Death, or die. The damage done by casting a blood magic spell cannot be healed with healing spells. It can only be healed naturally, or through regeneration.
Note: Some spells are derived in part or in whole from spells taken from the Internet. All derived spells have been altered at least a bit, sometimes much more.
Spell List:
1st Circle
Blood Hound: Jason Nelson - Alpha's Hunting Hound
Blood Reading
Blood Strike
Flesh Kill: Jeff Conry - EVERMORE'S FLESH KILL
Wall of Darkness: Jason Nelson - Alpha's Wall of Darkness
Wither: Unknown
2nd Circle
Blackfire: Allan Longley and Ted Dreibelbis - NOSKA TRADES' BLACKFIRE
Blood Armor
Blood Feaver
Blood Guise
Blood Sphere: Unknown
Burning Wind
Drain Blood
Pain Armor: Unknown
Share Thought
Wound Closure: Unknown
3rd Circle
Blood Dream
Bloodfire: Jason Nelson - Alpha's Starfire
Flaming Fingers
Flames of the Heart: Jason Nelson - Alpha's Flames of the Faltine
Thorn Flight: Allan Longley and Ted Dreibelbis - NOSKA TRADES' GHOUL ARROW
Wicked Growth
4th Circle
Acid Spray: Unknown
Blood Hawk
Blood Ray: Jason Nelson - Alpha's Shadowfire
Bone Stretch: Plasto Quinon - FLEXIBILITY
Hand of Withering: Unknown
5th Circle
Bloodwych: Jason Nelson - Alpha's Balefire
Chasm: Travis Engles - Blackthorn's Chasm
Chill of the Void: Unknown
Insanity: Allan Longley and Ted Dreibelbis - PILPIN'S INSANITY
6th Circle
Eater From Within: Travis Engles - Blackthorn's Eater From Within
Flaming Blood: Allan Longley and Ted Dreibelbis - PILPIN'S LIQUID FIRE
7th Circle
Spheres of Fire: Allan Longley and Ted Dreibelbis - PILPIN'S RAVAGING SPHERES OF FIRE
8th Circle
Blackwall: Allan Longley and Ted Dreibelbis - PILPIN'S DARK WALL
Vitality Drain: Unknown
9th Circle
Soulswitch: Allan Longley and Ted Dreibelbis - PILPIN'S SOUL EXCHANGE
Vaporization: Unknown
1st Circle
Hit point cost: 1
Range: 100'
Casting Time: 2
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One Creature
Blister causes the skin of the unfortunate target of this spell to sprout blisters all over his skin. This is very painful, and will cause the target to get a -1 to his next initiative. It will also cause 1d6 points of damage for every 2 levels of the caster.
Blood Hound
Hit point cost: 1
Range: 10 yards
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 12 turns + 6 turns/level
Saving Throw: none
Area of Effect: One creature
This spell allows the caster to take control of a canine creature to be a helper and boon companion to the spell caster for the duration of the spell. The blood hound will always understand verbal commands given it, so long as they are 12 words or less and relatively simple. The hound will further also be capable of tracking as if a ranger of half the level of the summoner, and can hunt sufficiently well to feed the spell-caster for one day, provided there is game extant in the caster's area. At the end of the duration, if the canine is not put under the control of another Blood Hound spell it will attack the caster in a blind rage. This rage will impart the creature with a +1 to hit, and +1 damage.
The type of canine that is controllable follows:
1st - 3rd level: jackal
4th - 7th level: wild dog
8th - 12th level: wolf
13th + level: dire wolf
If the caster takes a lower-level hound (or a dire wolf when 18th level), it will have maximum hit points, be +1 to hit and on damage, track at +1 level, and can understand even relatively complex commands of up to 50 words in length. The material component is a piece of fresh meat.
Blood Reading
Hit point cost: 2
Range: Caster
Casting Time: 2
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Caster
Blood Reading is a VERY limited augury. When blood reading is cast, the mage pours some of their
blood onto a plate, tray, etc. From the patterns, the mage is able to divine a possible future
to his/her question. The answer is always sketchy, and not always right. The answer to any
question is always up to DM's discretion. (For a good example of this spell, watch Robin
Hood prince of Thieves. The old witch does the equivalent of a Blood Reading)
Blood Strike
Hit Point Cost: 1
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 2
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One Weapon
With blood strike a mage can endow a weapon with a magical aura. This aura lasts until the weapon has hit another creature twice. The first time it hits it will add 1d6 damage, and the weapon will be +2 to hit. The second time it hits it will add 1d4 damage, and it will be +1 to hit. neither of these bonuses to hit will allow the weapon to strike a creature that requires a magical weapon to hit.
Flesh Kill
Hit Point Cost: 2
Range: 60 Feet
Duration: 2 rounds per level.
Area of Effect: One limb.
Saving Throw: Negates
The limb that the mage points at suddenly turns grey. It is rendered useless for the remainder of the spell. The target, if a paladin or cleric, can sacrifice one round of attack to roll a save vs. paralysis. If this save succeeds, the limb becomes usable again. The material object for this spell is a piece of zombie flesh.
Hit Point Cost: 1
Range: 60'
Casting time: 2
Saving Throw: See Text
Area of Effect: One Creature
Pain causes a target to be hit with an intense amount of pain. The target is allowed a Saving Throw Vs. Spells.
Failure - The target is forced to it's knees in pain, -5 to all actions for 1d4 rounds. 1d6 damage.
Success - -2 actions for 1d4 rounds
Hit Point Cost: 1
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One Item
Savvy allows a mage to learn one property of a magic item per casting. The mage does not know if there are any more properties of that item, and curses are always considered the last property.
Wall of Darkness
Hit point cost: 2
Range: 60 yards
Casting Time: 2
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: none
Area of Effect: 10' x 10' sq./level
This spell brings into being a wall of blackness that has a slight red glow which cannot be seen through, even with infravision or ultravision. It is dispelled instantly by a light or continual light (q.v.) spell. It has no physical existence, and does not hinder nor harm those passing through it. It does, however, block the passage of sound from one side to the other, assuming that the spell is not cast in such a way (such as in a field of grass) which would otherwise allow sound to move around the edges of the wall.
Hit Point Cost: 1
Range: 3"
Casting Time: 1
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See Below
Area Of Effect: 10 Square feet/Level
This spell kills all normal vegetation within an area of 10 square fee per level of the caster. The shape of the effected area may be determined by the caster at casting time.
Tougher plants get a saving throw vs the effects of the spell. Normal trees get a saving throw of 11, while larger or older trees have a saving throw of 6. Special plants such as Treants suffer but 1D6 points of damage.
2nd Circle
Hit Point Cost: 2
Casting Time: 2
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 1-foot-radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 turn/level
When this spell is cast, a cold, black fire appears in the caster's hand, shedding violet colored light equivalent to torchlight. The caster can hold the blackfire without taking damage or throw it at an opponent. Throwing it at an opponent requires a roll "to hit". If the sphere hits, the target ignites the creature's life force doing 1d6 hp damage the first round and 1d3 the following rounds until extinguished. The flames can be extinguished by padding them out, but water has no effect. The flames only consume living matter (creatures and plants) and have no effect on non-living material or undead. The end product of blackfire combustion is oxygen and a grey-blue ash.
Blood Armor
Hit Point Cost: 2
Range: Touch
Casting time: 2
Blood armor causes a red shimmering to form around the target. For the next turn, the target's armor class will be lowered by 5.
Blood Fever
Hit Point Cost: 2
Range: Touch
Casting time: 2
Saving Throw: None
Blood fever allows the target to go into a sort of berserking rage. Until the end of combat, the target will be +2 to hit and damage. The recipient will also be at +3 strength for the purposes of opening doors, bending bars, carrying things, ect. This will NOT effect hit and damage rolls however! Until the end of combat, the target will not retreat. this spell causes 1 point of damage to the target.
Blood Guise
Hit Point Cost: 1
Range: Touch
Casting time: 5
Saving Throw: None
Blood guise painfully distorts the features of the target, so that they look to be a different person. For every 10% change (or fraction thereof) this spell causes 1 point of damage to the target. The changes last for 1 turn/level.
Blood Sphere
Hit Point Cost: 2
Range: 6"+1"/Level
Casting Time: 2 Segments
Duration: 1 Segment
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area Of Effect: 2" Diameter sphere
This spell creates a small ball of crackly red light which expands outwards when it contacts a solid object, hits its target, reaches its maximum range or it reaches the point where the caster wishes it to expand. When it does expand, a large amount of electrical energy is given off, small lightning bolts arc from object to object inside the sphere and red light is given off in a 6" diameter sphere. All creatures within the area of effect must make a save vs spells or take 1-3 points of damage per 2 levels of the caster (a successful save means damage is halved). If a particular creature was targeted for the spell then they take 1-4 damage per 2 levels of the caster and their saving throw is made at a -2.
If the area in which the shocksphere expands is not circular then the sphere will expand an conform to the volume it can occupy. The shocksphere covers a volume of 4200 cubic feet. If a creature fails its saving throw vs spell then all of his/her items must make a saving throw vs lightening or be destroyed.
Burning Wind
Hit Point Cost: 2
Range: 30'x30' Cone extending from caster's hand
Casting time: 2
Saving Throw: None
Burning wind causes a cone of hot air to extend from the caster's hand. This will cause 3d4 points of damage for every 4 levels of the caster to all creatures in the cone.
Drain Blood
Hit Point Cost: 2
Range: 70'
Casting time: 2
Saving Throw: None
Drain blood causes the target to be drained of some of his/her blood. The target will be at -4 to all actions because of lightheadedness for the next 1d6 rounds.
Pain Armor
Hit Point Cost: 2
Range: 0"
Casting Time: 2 Segments
Duration: 1 Round/Level
Saving Throw: See Description
Area Of Effect: Caster
While this spell is in effect any creature who touches the caster with exposed flesh (to cast a spell, for example) will suffer the following:
On a Saving Throw Vs. Spells.
Failure - The target is forced to it's knees in pain, -5 to all actions for 1d4 rounds. 1d6 damage.
Success - -2 actions for 1d4 rounds
The spell will not protect the caster from damage, nor does it have any effect on an opponent wielding a weapon, but it will effect undead. In any hand attacks, the caster adds one point of damage to the total.
Share Thought
Hit Point Cost: 1 + 1 per target
Range: Touch
Casting time: 2
Share thought allows telepathy between the caster, and all targets of the spell. Each target will take 1 point of damage upon casting of this spell. The caster, and all targets will smear each other's blood upon their foreheads. For 1 turn/level, each target and the caster may communicate telepathically.
Wound Closure
Hit Point Cost: 1-4 (See Description)
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 5 Segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area Of Effect: Creature touched
This spell closes the wounds of the recipient to prevent bleeding and infection, incidentally curing 1-4 hit points of damage, which the caster receives. All of the victim's wounds will be closed by a single casting, but further applications are possible to increase the healing effect. The spell can be used to on corpses to disguise the cause of death, but it does not work on non-corporeal or extra-planar entities
3rd Circle
Hit Point Cost: 3
Range: 70'
Casting time: 5
Saving Throw: None
This nasty spell causes the victim's eyes to hemorrhage, causing 1d4 points of damage, and effectively blinding him/her. Any healing will repair the eyes, including the natural healing of time.
Blood Dream
Hit Point Cost: 3
Range: Caster
Casting time: 1
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Caster
This spell is an augury. After casting blood dream, the mage must go to sleep within 1 turn. The mage must sleep for at least 2 hours to benefit from blood dream. Blood dream will give the information that is relevant to his situation, or question within the caster's dream. Again, this is entirely up to the DM's discretion.
Hit Point Cost: 3
Range: 30 yards
Casting Time: 1
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 5' diameter column, 30' high
This spell creates a column of brilliant, blazing silvery-white flames. All within 10' of the column not looking away must save vs. petrification or be blinded for 1 round and dazzled (-2 to hit, +2 to be hit) for an additional 1d3 rounds. Creatures adversely affected by bright light (e.g drow, duergar) save at -3 vs. this effect. Any creature within the narrow column of fire (most likely only a single creature) is automatically blinded and dazzled as above, and additionally suffers 1d6 damage per level of the caster, up to a maximum of 10d6. A save vs. spells will halve this damage. If the spell is cast outdoors under a night sky, a bonus of +1 per die of damage is added. The material component for this spell is a bit of silver and a shard of crystal.
Flaming Fingers
Hit Point Cost: 3
Range: 1 1/2 yards + 1/4 yard per level.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Casting Time: 3
Area of effect: Everything within range.
Saving Throw: 1/2
When the mage casts this spell, he slices into his wrist, then brings his hands together. He then lowers them to let the blood coming from his wrist slide onto his hands. He then brings his hands back up, still held together. At this point, the blood flies out in an arc, and starts flaming. Position of hands and fingers is free, giving two firing arcs/cones of 90 degrees. Damage equals 1D3 + 3 per level.
Flames of the Heart
Hit Point Cost: 3
Range: 0
Casting Time: 3
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special
This spell sheathes the caster in hot yellow flames and blurs the caster's features somewhat, causing them to assume a smooth and somewhat indistinct shape, also turning a dark red color. The flames will appear to be present even coming out of the caster's eyes and mouth. These flames give the caster no special protection, but they do shed dim light in a 10' radius. Further more, any creature striking the caster with a claw, bite, or similar attack or a hand-held weapon less than 5 feet long will suffer damage as though contacting a Wall of Fire spell (q.v.)--2d6 damage + 1 point per level of the caster. Undead suffer double damage, and creatures especially susceptible to flame may also take additional damage. The caster may attempt a melee attack to burn others with this fire, a successful blow causing 1d6 damage + 1 point per two levels of the caster. Creatures passing within a 5' radius of the caster suffer 1d4 heat damage. By standing still and concentrating, the caster may extend this heat radiation, inflicting 2d4 within a 5' radius and 1d4 within a 10' radius, but this falls back to the usual level if the caster stops concentrating or resumes moving. The caster can attempt to destroy inanimate objects by touching them, requiring a save vs. normal fire to avoid destruction. This may be attempted once per round, at a -1 cumulative penalty for each consecutive round of handling. Items on the caster's person at the time of the casting of this spell are unaffected by the flame. The caster may end this spell prematurely if desired. The material component for this spell is a flask of oil, poured over the caster's head during the casting of the spell, and an open flame of any size.
Thorn Flight
Hit Point Cost: 3
Casting Time: 3
Range: 70 yards + 10 yards/level
Area of Effect: One creature per thorn
Saving Throw: None
Duration: Instantaneous, paralyzation 1d6+1 rounds
A thorn flight spell brings into being one bolt of negative energy for every 5 levels of the caster. Each bolt can have a different target. Each bolt forms into four vaguely thorn shaped projectiles that hurl towards the caster's opponent. The thorns never miss their target and inflict 1d4 damage. The affected creature must save vs. paralysis or be paralysed in the areas hit by each of the arrows. Roll 1d6; 1 = left leg, 2 = right leg, 3 = left arm, 4 = right arm, 5-6 = body. Limbs paralysed are rendered useless. Body paralysis eliminates any dexterity bonus and results in the victim always acting at initiative 10. The paralysis lasts for 1d6+1 rounds.
Hit Point Cost: 3
Range: touch
Casting time: 2
Saving Throw: None
This spell causes the target (1d4/2 levels) hit points of damage. The caster is healed by an amount equal to the damage. The caster cannot exceed his maximum hit points by means of this spell.
Wicked Growth
Hit Point Cost: 3
Range: 40'
Casting time: 3
Saving Throw: See Text
This cruel spell will cause a victim to sprout thorns, and other twisted plant growths from his/her skin. This causes the unfortunate soul 1d4 points of damage each round until they save vs Breath Weapon at -4. Until then the victim is at -2 to all actions due to pain. The growths fall off 2 rounds after the target makes his/her save. It the target never saves, and is killed by means of this spell, growths will continue to burst from their skin. Eventually a bloodthorn bush will grow on the spot the person died, using what is left of the body for nutrients. A person who dies from this spell can only be resurrected 50% of the time.
4th Circle
Acid Spray
Hit Point Cost: 4
Range: 0"
Casting Time: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area Of Effect: See Below
When this spell is cast, it causes a cone shaped spray of acid to extend outwards from the casters hand. The length of the cone is 1/2" per level of the caster and the cone terminates with a circular area with a radius of 1/8" per level of the caster. The start of the cone is a circular area of 1' radius. The damage from the acid is 1d4+1 per level of the caster.
Blood Hawk
Range: 1"
Duration: 2 turns/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area Of Effect: 1 (or more) corpse
Saving Throw: special
This spell must be cast around the remains of one ore more creatures. When this spell is cast, parts of the remains will form into the resemblance of a hawk. The blood to cast the spell must be smeared onto the construct. The blood hawk will follow any order given to it by the caster. It has two attacks: Claw/Bite 1d8/1d6. The blood hawk can take up to the half caster's hit point total before falling apart. At the end of the spell, the hawk will start to lose parts until it does not exits. It will lose 2 hit points a round until dead. During this time, the hawk will make a horrible unearthly racket. The sounds emitted from the hawk will cause the effects of a fear spell on any creature with less then 2 hit dice on a failed saving throw.
Blood Ray
Hit Point Cost: 4
Range: 0
Casting Time: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area of Effect: 1' diameter ray, 5'/level long
This spell calls forth a seething black ray shot through with veins of red fire. All creatures in the path of the spell will suffer d4 damage per level of the caster, up to a maximum of 20d4. A successful save vs. breath weapon will result in only half damage. A creature that is immune to fire or to energy drain will suffer only one-half damage (one-quarter if a successful save is made). If the damage rolled exceeds a target's remaining hit points, that target is disintegrated.
Bone Stretch
Hit Point Cost: 6
Range: Special
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster is able to stretch his limbs to ten times their length. The body of the caster becomes extremely flexible and becomes of a stiff elastic texture. The caster's AC drop by one and he receives halve damage from blunt weapons. When he stretches his limbs, his AC increases by one to three points. The mass of the caster does not increase. This process is very painful, which accounts for the high hit point cost. The stretching is accompanied by loud popping and tearing sounds.
Hand of Withering
Hit Point Cost: 4
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 8
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area Of Effect: One Creature
After casting this spell, the caster's hand will bear a baneful curse, for the next creature he/she touches (possible requiring an attack roll) will be aged 1D6 years per level of the caster.
The spell lasts 1 round per level of the caster, or until the spell is discharged.
5th Circle
Hit Point Cost: 5
Range: 0
Casting Time: 5
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 5' x 30' x 15' cone
This spell creates an effluvium that stuff burns very hot and is extremely viscous, but rapidly dissolves. Those in the area of effect may attempt a save vs. breath weapon to avoid being covered in the effluvium. If this save is successful, they are merely splashed with it. Even this small amount, however, is sufficient to cause half damage for the initial round, but it burns out in that single round. Those that fail to save and are struck fully by this ghastly substance suffer d6 fire damage per two levels of the caster (rounded up), up to a maximum of 12d6. The bloodwych clings to these poor victims and continues to inflict damage. The damage is reduced by 2d6 each round, and the it burns until all damage potential is exhausted. This effluvium burns with a colorless fire that can only be extinguished by magical means (e.g. Wand of Flame Extinguishing, Fire Quench, Dispel Magic, or a magical cold spell such as Ice Storm, Cone of Cold, Wall of Ice, or Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, although spells involving ice may also cause impact damage to the would-be rescuee); even total immersion in water will have no effect on it. This flame is so hostile to natural matter that it will burn through one inch of wood or soft metal, one quarter inch of hard metal, or one eighth inch of stone per die of damage that it would inflict to living targets each round it is active. Any individual who is struck fully (i.e. fails to save) must make item saving throws vs. magical fire for all exposed equipment in each round that the Bloodwych clings to him, though these saves are at +1 cumulative for each round after the first. Occasional dark green or red flickerings can be observed in an active Bloodwych.
Hit Point Cost: 5
Range: 120 yards
Duration: 1 turn/ level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: special
Saving Throw: none
This spell splits the earth creating a yawning chasm that is 40 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet deep per level of the spell caster. At the spell's end the earth will close up as if it had never happened.
Chill of the Void
Hit Point Cost: 5
Range: 0
Casting Time: 5
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 20' wide path, 5'/level long
This spell brings forth a wave of preternatural cold, rolling forth from the caster's outstretched arms to the maximum area of effect. Its cold vacuum kills all normal vegetation in the area except for trees, which have a 50%-100% chance to survive (DM's discretion, based on size and native environment). This cold inflicts 3d4 damage and the vacuum an additional 3d4 to all living creatures within the area of effect. Vegetable and fungoid monsters suffer double damage from this spell. The material component is a piece of ice.
Hit Point Cost: 5
Casting Time: 5 segments
Range: 5 yards/level
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Duration: Permanent
This spell can be rather harmless, or fatal. A person (as defined in CHARM PERSON) that does not save versus spells is struck with a random type of insanity. Roll a d20 on the following table to determine type (consult DMG pp.83 for explanations):
1. dipsomania 11. mania
2. kleptomania 12. lunacy
3. schizoid 13. paranoia
4. pathological 14. manic-lair depressive
5. monomania 15. hallucinatory
6. dementia insanity praecox 16. sado-masochism
7. melancholia 17. homicidal
8. megalomania mania 18. hebephrenia insanity
9. delusional 19. suicidal mania
10. schizophrenia 20. catatonia
A person affected by this spell will not notice anything different about themselves, and depending on the type of insanity, those around them may not notice any difference. The insanity is permanent unless negated by a HEAL, RESTORATION, (LIMITED) WISH, or a successful DISPEL MAGIC.
6th Circle
Eater From Within
Hit Point Cost: 6
Range: 9"
Duration: 2 rd./ level
Casting Time: 6
Area Of Effect: one creature
Saving Throw: special
This spell creates a small blood red ball of light that zips from the casters outstretched hand to the target creature and disappears within. Any person that is not immune to disease will be effected by this spell. The spell can be countered with either a dispel magic or with a cure disease spell, otherwise the spell will commence "eating" the insides of its host at the rate of 1d3 hit points per round. While under this form of attack no being can cast spells and all who try to fight have there attack, defense and saving throws reduced by -3 because the pain is so intense.
Flaming Blood
Hit Point Cost: 6
Casting Time: 6 segments
Range: 10 yards + 10 yards/level
Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
Saving Throws: 1/2
Duration: Special
This spell is similar to the spell FIREBALL, except that it douses all creatures in a 15-foot radius with an incendiary liquid that appears to be blood. The area of effect will be engulfed in non-magical fire for 1d6 rounds. Any combustibles within the area of effect instantly ignite. A creature in the area of effect that fails it's saving throw takes 1d4 hit points of fire damage per level of the caster on the first round, and the same damage each round until it saves. The round the creature saves it takes half damage, and the next round it takes none. All the creature's non- combustible possessions must save versus normal fire or be destroyed (the combustible ones don't get a save). A creature that successfully saves on the first round takes half damage for that round, and all it's possessions (including combustibles) are unaffected.
For example, a creature failing it's first save against flaming blood, cast by a 12th-level mage, takes 32 hit points of damage (rolled on 12d4) on the first round. The creature fails it's save again on the second round and takes another 32 hit points of damage. On the third round it saves and only takes 16 hit points of damage and no damage on the fourth round.
The mage must have a clear line of sight to the target area.
7th Circle
Spheres of Fire
Hit Point Cost: 7
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Special
Area of Effect: One 3' radius sphere per level
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Negates
This spell is an enhancement of the second level spell FLAMING SPHERE. The spell creates one burning globe of fire per level of the mage, the globe all appear within 30 yards of the caster and roll in whichever direction the mage points, at a rate of 100 yards per round. The spheres can roll over any obstacle, even a city wall. Combustible substances are ignited by contact with a sphere. Creatures contacting a sphere must successfully roll a saving throw versus spells or suffer 2d4 hits points of damage. Those within five feet of a must also save or suffer 1d4 points of damage. A successful saving throw means no damage is suffered.
The spheres moves in the direction the caster directs, otherwise the spheres will wander aimlessly. Spheres can be extinguished by the same means as any normal fire of its size. The surface of the spheres have a spongy, yielding consistency and does not cause damage except by its flame. It can not push unwilling creatures aside or batter down large obstacles.
If the spell is unleashed on a large source of easily combustible material (such as a city of at least 50% wooden buildings or a dry forest) the is a 25% chance that a firestorm will start. A firestorm will burn out of control for many days until at least 90% of the combustibles are burned. It will also be so hot that it will melt soft metals and crack thin stone walls.
8th Circle
Hit Point Cost: 8
Casting Time: 7 segments
Range: 200 yards
Area of Effect: 50,000 square feet
Saving Throw: Special
Duration: 1 day/level
The spell conjures a 1 foot thick wall of black mist that causes death to most creatures that touch it. The wall cannot be seen through, but sound or objects will pass through it. Any living creature that touches or attempts to pass through the wall must roll a saving throw versus death, modified depending on their level as follows:
Creature's Hit Dice Saving Throw
less than 1 none
1 to 2 -4
3 to 4 -3
4 to 6 -2
6 to 8 -1
more than 8 normal
The wall can be shaped into a rectangle, box, hemisphere, sphere, or just one huge wall, as long as the surface area is 50,000 square feet. The wall cannot be physically disturbed (ie., blow away, pushed, etc.), but parts of it can be negated by a successful DISPEL MAGIC. It can penetrated using an ANTI-MAGIC SHELL, or totally negated with a WISH.
Vitality Drain
Hit Point Cost: 24(see description)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This terrible spell allows the caster to drain the youth from a victim, revitalizing himself, at the expense of aging the victim. Hardly a spell used by good aligned mages.
The caster first prepares the spell, by casting the eight phase portion of it. He will lose 3 hit points per round during the casting. He then has his level in rounds to make contact with the victim, and begin draining. To drain the youth of the victim, the caster must be in continuous contact with the flesh of the victim during the draining process. The act of being drained is extremely painful to the victim, and is sufficient to awaken sleeping victims, and allow charmed victims a new saving throw. Even if the victim is conscious, however, the draining will continue. The victim must break flesh contact with the mage to break the spell.
The caster is able to drain a decade for every four levels he possesses, ie 20 years at fifth, 30 at ninth, 40 at 13th, etc. Each year takes a segment to drain, a decade drained per round. If the spell is broken during casting, the caster will still have drained a number of years dependant on time of casting (eg contact broken after 2 rounds, 20 years drained). Due to the imperfect nature of the spell, however, the caster only reduces in age by a year for every three drained from the victim.
Both caster and victim will be affected by the change in age. The victim will only suffer the disadvantages of aging (STR and CON loss), whereas the caster will only experience the benefits (STR and CON gain). After the spell, the victim will have visibly aged, with greying hair, and lined, saggy skin. The caster will appear invigorated, with grey disappearing from his hair, and the obvious return of muscle tone. The victim must save vs. paralyze, or pass out for 1d4 turns, if he is drained more than 20 years. The caster will experience a temporary d4 increase in STR (not including that gained from becoming younger), which will fade by 1 point a turn. The caster will also feel as if inebriated, an affect which persists for d6 rounds.
This spell is only effective on humans. Long lived races, such as elves and dwarves, as well as humanoid races, are immune from the spell, and the caster must save vs. paralyzation, or be knocked unconscious if attempting to drain a member of these races. Finally, there is no known cure for this spell, save Wish.
9th Circle
Hit Point Cost: 12
Casting Time: 1 turn
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Two creatures
Saving Throw: Special
Duration: Permanent until reversed
This spell causes the life forces of two creatures to exchange. The caster must touch both creatures simultaneously, at the end of casting without having to make a roll to hit. Any two creatures with a soul or spirit (eg., humans, elves, animals, birds, dragons, fish, etc.) can be affected. Examples of creature's that do not have souls or spirits (as we understand them) are; undead, demons, devils, automatons such as golems, and extra-planar creatures in general.
The saving throw against Soulswitch depends on whether both, one, or neither of the recipients are willing to undergo the exchange. Treat indifferent as unwilling. If both recipients are willing than no saving throw is required. If one recipient is willing but the other is not, then the unwilling target is allowed a saving throw with a -2 penalty. If both are unwilling, then they are both allowed a normal save. A successful saving throw by one or both recipients negates the spell.
This spell is much more powerful when used in combination with the 8th-level spell TRAP THE SOUL. Unwilling creatures that are trapped within a gem prison have an additional -6 penalty on their saving throw. So if one recipient is willing and the other not, and the unwilling recipient is first imprisoned by TRAP THE SOUL, the unwilling creature saves with a -8 penalty. If both recipients are unwilling and trapped in gem prisons, they both save with a -6 penalty. The spell does not release them from the gem prisons, only exchanges their souls.
A creature's soul in a different body has that body's strength, dexterity, constitution, and comeliness, but the soul's intelligence, wisdom, charisma (modified by body's comeliness), memories, and intelligence based skills (ie., languages, non-weapon proficiencies, spell-casting ability providing the body has require attributes, etc.). If the body has extraordinary strength, it can only be used if a warrior's soul enters the body. The body will not radiate magic. The alignment will be that of the soul. TRUE SIGHT, or TRUE SEEING will reveal to a person that previously knew the recipient of the SOUL EXCHANGE that they are no longer the same person.
The spell can only be reversed by a carefully worded and executed WISH (creatures must be touching each other), another Soulswitch, or the will of the original caster. If a creature dies while in another's body, it can only be brought back with it's own body, so if both creatures died this could be a reckless way to reverse the spell.
Hit Point Cost: 10
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 9 Segments
Duration: Permanent (Instantaneous)
Saving Throw: No save
Area of Effect: 1" Cube/Level
When this symbol is cast, it will cause a large volume of inorganic material to simply vanish and cease to exist as if it had never been. This effect is instantaneous, and remains permanent. Only a wish can bring the lost matter back into existence. The volume that is destroyed can be in any shape the caster desires up the maximum volume effected.
If any of the inorganic material is somehow magical, then assign it a value of 1 to 6 (using the guidelines from the magic user spell detect magic where artifacts are assigned a value of 6. This is the basic saving throw number that must be rolled, or rolled under, using a d20 in order for the object to save and not be disintegrated.
If a magic item has powers/bonuses which could protect if from disintegration then they must be taking into account for the items saving throw. An intelligent item cannot be effected by the spell, as it does not count as an inanimate object. A ring of spell turning would not be able to turn the spell, but the roll is made anyway and if the turning is successful, then the ring would get the bonus or be saved completely. A ring of protection would get it's saving throw bonus, while a device of protection from disintegration would always save.
Required Attributes:
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 9
Strength: 9
Hit Points: 1d6
Saving Throws: Mage
Thac0: Rogue
Weapon: 2/4
Nonweapon: 3/3
Accessible: General, Warrior, Wizard
Can use weapons as per thief.
Spells: See Blood Magic
Blood Magic
Blood magic is a very destructive, and dangerous magic. Although useable by any intelligent race that can be said to have blood running in it's veins, it is only extensively used by the orcs, and the snake people of the south. The class Blood Mage has been detailed on another page.
To cast any blood magic spell, it is necessary to give the spell some of your blood. The experienced blood mage can be easily identified by the extensive scaring covering their arms. The blood mage normally will slice their arms with an atheme (consecrated knife) and then draw the ensuing blood into their spell. Each hit point is equivalent to one spell point. If a blood mage attempts to draw too much power (casts a spell that lowers them to 0 or less hit points), the greedy magic forces will no longer be held in check. On a failed saving throw vs. death, s/he will be instantly (an painfully) drained of blood, killing him/her (as it takes intense concentration to stop the flow of blood to the magics, and a mage who has knocked him/herself out cannot concentrate very well!) A blood mage is, however, able to use other people's blood for the casting of their spells. However, it the person whose blood is being used is killed in the process, the blood mage must make a saving throw Vs. Death, or die. The damage done by casting a blood magic spell cannot be healed with healing spells. It can only be healed naturally, or through regeneration.
Note: Some spells are derived in part or in whole from spells taken from the Internet. All derived spells have been altered at least a bit, sometimes much more.
Spell List:
1st Circle
Blood Hound: Jason Nelson - Alpha's Hunting Hound
Blood Reading
Blood Strike
Flesh Kill: Jeff Conry - EVERMORE'S FLESH KILL
Wall of Darkness: Jason Nelson - Alpha's Wall of Darkness
Wither: Unknown
2nd Circle
Blackfire: Allan Longley and Ted Dreibelbis - NOSKA TRADES' BLACKFIRE
Blood Armor
Blood Feaver
Blood Guise
Blood Sphere: Unknown
Burning Wind
Drain Blood
Pain Armor: Unknown
Share Thought
Wound Closure: Unknown
3rd Circle
Blood Dream
Bloodfire: Jason Nelson - Alpha's Starfire
Flaming Fingers
Flames of the Heart: Jason Nelson - Alpha's Flames of the Faltine
Thorn Flight: Allan Longley and Ted Dreibelbis - NOSKA TRADES' GHOUL ARROW
Wicked Growth
4th Circle
Acid Spray: Unknown
Blood Hawk
Blood Ray: Jason Nelson - Alpha's Shadowfire
Bone Stretch: Plasto Quinon - FLEXIBILITY
Hand of Withering: Unknown
5th Circle
Bloodwych: Jason Nelson - Alpha's Balefire
Chasm: Travis Engles - Blackthorn's Chasm
Chill of the Void: Unknown
Insanity: Allan Longley and Ted Dreibelbis - PILPIN'S INSANITY
6th Circle
Eater From Within: Travis Engles - Blackthorn's Eater From Within
Flaming Blood: Allan Longley and Ted Dreibelbis - PILPIN'S LIQUID FIRE
7th Circle
Spheres of Fire: Allan Longley and Ted Dreibelbis - PILPIN'S RAVAGING SPHERES OF FIRE
8th Circle
Blackwall: Allan Longley and Ted Dreibelbis - PILPIN'S DARK WALL
Vitality Drain: Unknown
9th Circle
Soulswitch: Allan Longley and Ted Dreibelbis - PILPIN'S SOUL EXCHANGE
Vaporization: Unknown
1st Circle
Hit point cost: 1
Range: 100'
Casting Time: 2
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One Creature
Blister causes the skin of the unfortunate target of this spell to sprout blisters all over his skin. This is very painful, and will cause the target to get a -1 to his next initiative. It will also cause 1d6 points of damage for every 2 levels of the caster.
Blood Hound
Hit point cost: 1
Range: 10 yards
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 12 turns + 6 turns/level
Saving Throw: none
Area of Effect: One creature
This spell allows the caster to take control of a canine creature to be a helper and boon companion to the spell caster for the duration of the spell. The blood hound will always understand verbal commands given it, so long as they are 12 words or less and relatively simple. The hound will further also be capable of tracking as if a ranger of half the level of the summoner, and can hunt sufficiently well to feed the spell-caster for one day, provided there is game extant in the caster's area. At the end of the duration, if the canine is not put under the control of another Blood Hound spell it will attack the caster in a blind rage. This rage will impart the creature with a +1 to hit, and +1 damage.
The type of canine that is controllable follows:
1st - 3rd level: jackal
4th - 7th level: wild dog
8th - 12th level: wolf
13th + level: dire wolf
If the caster takes a lower-level hound (or a dire wolf when 18th level), it will have maximum hit points, be +1 to hit and on damage, track at +1 level, and can understand even relatively complex commands of up to 50 words in length. The material component is a piece of fresh meat.
Blood Reading
Hit point cost: 2
Range: Caster
Casting Time: 2
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Caster
Blood Reading is a VERY limited augury. When blood reading is cast, the mage pours some of their
blood onto a plate, tray, etc. From the patterns, the mage is able to divine a possible future
to his/her question. The answer is always sketchy, and not always right. The answer to any
question is always up to DM's discretion. (For a good example of this spell, watch Robin
Hood prince of Thieves. The old witch does the equivalent of a Blood Reading)
Blood Strike
Hit Point Cost: 1
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 2
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One Weapon
With blood strike a mage can endow a weapon with a magical aura. This aura lasts until the weapon has hit another creature twice. The first time it hits it will add 1d6 damage, and the weapon will be +2 to hit. The second time it hits it will add 1d4 damage, and it will be +1 to hit. neither of these bonuses to hit will allow the weapon to strike a creature that requires a magical weapon to hit.
Flesh Kill
Hit Point Cost: 2
Range: 60 Feet
Duration: 2 rounds per level.
Area of Effect: One limb.
Saving Throw: Negates
The limb that the mage points at suddenly turns grey. It is rendered useless for the remainder of the spell. The target, if a paladin or cleric, can sacrifice one round of attack to roll a save vs. paralysis. If this save succeeds, the limb becomes usable again. The material object for this spell is a piece of zombie flesh.
Hit Point Cost: 1
Range: 60'
Casting time: 2
Saving Throw: See Text
Area of Effect: One Creature
Pain causes a target to be hit with an intense amount of pain. The target is allowed a Saving Throw Vs. Spells.
Failure - The target is forced to it's knees in pain, -5 to all actions for 1d4 rounds. 1d6 damage.
Success - -2 actions for 1d4 rounds
Hit Point Cost: 1
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: One Item
Savvy allows a mage to learn one property of a magic item per casting. The mage does not know if there are any more properties of that item, and curses are always considered the last property.
Wall of Darkness
Hit point cost: 2
Range: 60 yards
Casting Time: 2
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: none
Area of Effect: 10' x 10' sq./level
This spell brings into being a wall of blackness that has a slight red glow which cannot be seen through, even with infravision or ultravision. It is dispelled instantly by a light or continual light (q.v.) spell. It has no physical existence, and does not hinder nor harm those passing through it. It does, however, block the passage of sound from one side to the other, assuming that the spell is not cast in such a way (such as in a field of grass) which would otherwise allow sound to move around the edges of the wall.
Hit Point Cost: 1
Range: 3"
Casting Time: 1
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See Below
Area Of Effect: 10 Square feet/Level
This spell kills all normal vegetation within an area of 10 square fee per level of the caster. The shape of the effected area may be determined by the caster at casting time.
Tougher plants get a saving throw vs the effects of the spell. Normal trees get a saving throw of 11, while larger or older trees have a saving throw of 6. Special plants such as Treants suffer but 1D6 points of damage.
2nd Circle
Hit Point Cost: 2
Casting Time: 2
Range: 0
Area of Effect: 1-foot-radius sphere
Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 turn/level
When this spell is cast, a cold, black fire appears in the caster's hand, shedding violet colored light equivalent to torchlight. The caster can hold the blackfire without taking damage or throw it at an opponent. Throwing it at an opponent requires a roll "to hit". If the sphere hits, the target ignites the creature's life force doing 1d6 hp damage the first round and 1d3 the following rounds until extinguished. The flames can be extinguished by padding them out, but water has no effect. The flames only consume living matter (creatures and plants) and have no effect on non-living material or undead. The end product of blackfire combustion is oxygen and a grey-blue ash.
Blood Armor
Hit Point Cost: 2
Range: Touch
Casting time: 2
Blood armor causes a red shimmering to form around the target. For the next turn, the target's armor class will be lowered by 5.
Blood Fever
Hit Point Cost: 2
Range: Touch
Casting time: 2
Saving Throw: None
Blood fever allows the target to go into a sort of berserking rage. Until the end of combat, the target will be +2 to hit and damage. The recipient will also be at +3 strength for the purposes of opening doors, bending bars, carrying things, ect. This will NOT effect hit and damage rolls however! Until the end of combat, the target will not retreat. this spell causes 1 point of damage to the target.
Blood Guise
Hit Point Cost: 1
Range: Touch
Casting time: 5
Saving Throw: None
Blood guise painfully distorts the features of the target, so that they look to be a different person. For every 10% change (or fraction thereof) this spell causes 1 point of damage to the target. The changes last for 1 turn/level.
Blood Sphere
Hit Point Cost: 2
Range: 6"+1"/Level
Casting Time: 2 Segments
Duration: 1 Segment
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area Of Effect: 2" Diameter sphere
This spell creates a small ball of crackly red light which expands outwards when it contacts a solid object, hits its target, reaches its maximum range or it reaches the point where the caster wishes it to expand. When it does expand, a large amount of electrical energy is given off, small lightning bolts arc from object to object inside the sphere and red light is given off in a 6" diameter sphere. All creatures within the area of effect must make a save vs spells or take 1-3 points of damage per 2 levels of the caster (a successful save means damage is halved). If a particular creature was targeted for the spell then they take 1-4 damage per 2 levels of the caster and their saving throw is made at a -2.
If the area in which the shocksphere expands is not circular then the sphere will expand an conform to the volume it can occupy. The shocksphere covers a volume of 4200 cubic feet. If a creature fails its saving throw vs spell then all of his/her items must make a saving throw vs lightening or be destroyed.
Burning Wind
Hit Point Cost: 2
Range: 30'x30' Cone extending from caster's hand
Casting time: 2
Saving Throw: None
Burning wind causes a cone of hot air to extend from the caster's hand. This will cause 3d4 points of damage for every 4 levels of the caster to all creatures in the cone.
Drain Blood
Hit Point Cost: 2
Range: 70'
Casting time: 2
Saving Throw: None
Drain blood causes the target to be drained of some of his/her blood. The target will be at -4 to all actions because of lightheadedness for the next 1d6 rounds.
Pain Armor
Hit Point Cost: 2
Range: 0"
Casting Time: 2 Segments
Duration: 1 Round/Level
Saving Throw: See Description
Area Of Effect: Caster
While this spell is in effect any creature who touches the caster with exposed flesh (to cast a spell, for example) will suffer the following:
On a Saving Throw Vs. Spells.
Failure - The target is forced to it's knees in pain, -5 to all actions for 1d4 rounds. 1d6 damage.
Success - -2 actions for 1d4 rounds
The spell will not protect the caster from damage, nor does it have any effect on an opponent wielding a weapon, but it will effect undead. In any hand attacks, the caster adds one point of damage to the total.
Share Thought
Hit Point Cost: 1 + 1 per target
Range: Touch
Casting time: 2
Share thought allows telepathy between the caster, and all targets of the spell. Each target will take 1 point of damage upon casting of this spell. The caster, and all targets will smear each other's blood upon their foreheads. For 1 turn/level, each target and the caster may communicate telepathically.
Wound Closure
Hit Point Cost: 1-4 (See Description)
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 5 Segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area Of Effect: Creature touched
This spell closes the wounds of the recipient to prevent bleeding and infection, incidentally curing 1-4 hit points of damage, which the caster receives. All of the victim's wounds will be closed by a single casting, but further applications are possible to increase the healing effect. The spell can be used to on corpses to disguise the cause of death, but it does not work on non-corporeal or extra-planar entities
3rd Circle
Hit Point Cost: 3
Range: 70'
Casting time: 5
Saving Throw: None
This nasty spell causes the victim's eyes to hemorrhage, causing 1d4 points of damage, and effectively blinding him/her. Any healing will repair the eyes, including the natural healing of time.
Blood Dream
Hit Point Cost: 3
Range: Caster
Casting time: 1
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Caster
This spell is an augury. After casting blood dream, the mage must go to sleep within 1 turn. The mage must sleep for at least 2 hours to benefit from blood dream. Blood dream will give the information that is relevant to his situation, or question within the caster's dream. Again, this is entirely up to the DM's discretion.
Hit Point Cost: 3
Range: 30 yards
Casting Time: 1
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 5' diameter column, 30' high
This spell creates a column of brilliant, blazing silvery-white flames. All within 10' of the column not looking away must save vs. petrification or be blinded for 1 round and dazzled (-2 to hit, +2 to be hit) for an additional 1d3 rounds. Creatures adversely affected by bright light (e.g drow, duergar) save at -3 vs. this effect. Any creature within the narrow column of fire (most likely only a single creature) is automatically blinded and dazzled as above, and additionally suffers 1d6 damage per level of the caster, up to a maximum of 10d6. A save vs. spells will halve this damage. If the spell is cast outdoors under a night sky, a bonus of +1 per die of damage is added. The material component for this spell is a bit of silver and a shard of crystal.
Flaming Fingers
Hit Point Cost: 3
Range: 1 1/2 yards + 1/4 yard per level.
Duration: Instantaneous.
Casting Time: 3
Area of effect: Everything within range.
Saving Throw: 1/2
When the mage casts this spell, he slices into his wrist, then brings his hands together. He then lowers them to let the blood coming from his wrist slide onto his hands. He then brings his hands back up, still held together. At this point, the blood flies out in an arc, and starts flaming. Position of hands and fingers is free, giving two firing arcs/cones of 90 degrees. Damage equals 1D3 + 3 per level.
Flames of the Heart
Hit Point Cost: 3
Range: 0
Casting Time: 3
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special
This spell sheathes the caster in hot yellow flames and blurs the caster's features somewhat, causing them to assume a smooth and somewhat indistinct shape, also turning a dark red color. The flames will appear to be present even coming out of the caster's eyes and mouth. These flames give the caster no special protection, but they do shed dim light in a 10' radius. Further more, any creature striking the caster with a claw, bite, or similar attack or a hand-held weapon less than 5 feet long will suffer damage as though contacting a Wall of Fire spell (q.v.)--2d6 damage + 1 point per level of the caster. Undead suffer double damage, and creatures especially susceptible to flame may also take additional damage. The caster may attempt a melee attack to burn others with this fire, a successful blow causing 1d6 damage + 1 point per two levels of the caster. Creatures passing within a 5' radius of the caster suffer 1d4 heat damage. By standing still and concentrating, the caster may extend this heat radiation, inflicting 2d4 within a 5' radius and 1d4 within a 10' radius, but this falls back to the usual level if the caster stops concentrating or resumes moving. The caster can attempt to destroy inanimate objects by touching them, requiring a save vs. normal fire to avoid destruction. This may be attempted once per round, at a -1 cumulative penalty for each consecutive round of handling. Items on the caster's person at the time of the casting of this spell are unaffected by the flame. The caster may end this spell prematurely if desired. The material component for this spell is a flask of oil, poured over the caster's head during the casting of the spell, and an open flame of any size.
Thorn Flight
Hit Point Cost: 3
Casting Time: 3
Range: 70 yards + 10 yards/level
Area of Effect: One creature per thorn
Saving Throw: None
Duration: Instantaneous, paralyzation 1d6+1 rounds
A thorn flight spell brings into being one bolt of negative energy for every 5 levels of the caster. Each bolt can have a different target. Each bolt forms into four vaguely thorn shaped projectiles that hurl towards the caster's opponent. The thorns never miss their target and inflict 1d4 damage. The affected creature must save vs. paralysis or be paralysed in the areas hit by each of the arrows. Roll 1d6; 1 = left leg, 2 = right leg, 3 = left arm, 4 = right arm, 5-6 = body. Limbs paralysed are rendered useless. Body paralysis eliminates any dexterity bonus and results in the victim always acting at initiative 10. The paralysis lasts for 1d6+1 rounds.
Hit Point Cost: 3
Range: touch
Casting time: 2
Saving Throw: None
This spell causes the target (1d4/2 levels) hit points of damage. The caster is healed by an amount equal to the damage. The caster cannot exceed his maximum hit points by means of this spell.
Wicked Growth
Hit Point Cost: 3
Range: 40'
Casting time: 3
Saving Throw: See Text
This cruel spell will cause a victim to sprout thorns, and other twisted plant growths from his/her skin. This causes the unfortunate soul 1d4 points of damage each round until they save vs Breath Weapon at -4. Until then the victim is at -2 to all actions due to pain. The growths fall off 2 rounds after the target makes his/her save. It the target never saves, and is killed by means of this spell, growths will continue to burst from their skin. Eventually a bloodthorn bush will grow on the spot the person died, using what is left of the body for nutrients. A person who dies from this spell can only be resurrected 50% of the time.
4th Circle
Acid Spray
Hit Point Cost: 4
Range: 0"
Casting Time: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area Of Effect: See Below
When this spell is cast, it causes a cone shaped spray of acid to extend outwards from the casters hand. The length of the cone is 1/2" per level of the caster and the cone terminates with a circular area with a radius of 1/8" per level of the caster. The start of the cone is a circular area of 1' radius. The damage from the acid is 1d4+1 per level of the caster.
Blood Hawk
Range: 1"
Duration: 2 turns/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area Of Effect: 1 (or more) corpse
Saving Throw: special
This spell must be cast around the remains of one ore more creatures. When this spell is cast, parts of the remains will form into the resemblance of a hawk. The blood to cast the spell must be smeared onto the construct. The blood hawk will follow any order given to it by the caster. It has two attacks: Claw/Bite 1d8/1d6. The blood hawk can take up to the half caster's hit point total before falling apart. At the end of the spell, the hawk will start to lose parts until it does not exits. It will lose 2 hit points a round until dead. During this time, the hawk will make a horrible unearthly racket. The sounds emitted from the hawk will cause the effects of a fear spell on any creature with less then 2 hit dice on a failed saving throw.
Blood Ray
Hit Point Cost: 4
Range: 0
Casting Time: 4
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area of Effect: 1' diameter ray, 5'/level long
This spell calls forth a seething black ray shot through with veins of red fire. All creatures in the path of the spell will suffer d4 damage per level of the caster, up to a maximum of 20d4. A successful save vs. breath weapon will result in only half damage. A creature that is immune to fire or to energy drain will suffer only one-half damage (one-quarter if a successful save is made). If the damage rolled exceeds a target's remaining hit points, that target is disintegrated.
Bone Stretch
Hit Point Cost: 6
Range: Special
Duration: 1 round per level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster is able to stretch his limbs to ten times their length. The body of the caster becomes extremely flexible and becomes of a stiff elastic texture. The caster's AC drop by one and he receives halve damage from blunt weapons. When he stretches his limbs, his AC increases by one to three points. The mass of the caster does not increase. This process is very painful, which accounts for the high hit point cost. The stretching is accompanied by loud popping and tearing sounds.
Hand of Withering
Hit Point Cost: 4
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 8
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area Of Effect: One Creature
After casting this spell, the caster's hand will bear a baneful curse, for the next creature he/she touches (possible requiring an attack roll) will be aged 1D6 years per level of the caster.
The spell lasts 1 round per level of the caster, or until the spell is discharged.
5th Circle
Hit Point Cost: 5
Range: 0
Casting Time: 5
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 5' x 30' x 15' cone
This spell creates an effluvium that stuff burns very hot and is extremely viscous, but rapidly dissolves. Those in the area of effect may attempt a save vs. breath weapon to avoid being covered in the effluvium. If this save is successful, they are merely splashed with it. Even this small amount, however, is sufficient to cause half damage for the initial round, but it burns out in that single round. Those that fail to save and are struck fully by this ghastly substance suffer d6 fire damage per two levels of the caster (rounded up), up to a maximum of 12d6. The bloodwych clings to these poor victims and continues to inflict damage. The damage is reduced by 2d6 each round, and the it burns until all damage potential is exhausted. This effluvium burns with a colorless fire that can only be extinguished by magical means (e.g. Wand of Flame Extinguishing, Fire Quench, Dispel Magic, or a magical cold spell such as Ice Storm, Cone of Cold, Wall of Ice, or Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, although spells involving ice may also cause impact damage to the would-be rescuee); even total immersion in water will have no effect on it. This flame is so hostile to natural matter that it will burn through one inch of wood or soft metal, one quarter inch of hard metal, or one eighth inch of stone per die of damage that it would inflict to living targets each round it is active. Any individual who is struck fully (i.e. fails to save) must make item saving throws vs. magical fire for all exposed equipment in each round that the Bloodwych clings to him, though these saves are at +1 cumulative for each round after the first. Occasional dark green or red flickerings can be observed in an active Bloodwych.
Hit Point Cost: 5
Range: 120 yards
Duration: 1 turn/ level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: special
Saving Throw: none
This spell splits the earth creating a yawning chasm that is 40 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 20 feet deep per level of the spell caster. At the spell's end the earth will close up as if it had never happened.
Chill of the Void
Hit Point Cost: 5
Range: 0
Casting Time: 5
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 20' wide path, 5'/level long
This spell brings forth a wave of preternatural cold, rolling forth from the caster's outstretched arms to the maximum area of effect. Its cold vacuum kills all normal vegetation in the area except for trees, which have a 50%-100% chance to survive (DM's discretion, based on size and native environment). This cold inflicts 3d4 damage and the vacuum an additional 3d4 to all living creatures within the area of effect. Vegetable and fungoid monsters suffer double damage from this spell. The material component is a piece of ice.
Hit Point Cost: 5
Casting Time: 5 segments
Range: 5 yards/level
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Negates
Duration: Permanent
This spell can be rather harmless, or fatal. A person (as defined in CHARM PERSON) that does not save versus spells is struck with a random type of insanity. Roll a d20 on the following table to determine type (consult DMG pp.83 for explanations):
1. dipsomania 11. mania
2. kleptomania 12. lunacy
3. schizoid 13. paranoia
4. pathological 14. manic-lair depressive
5. monomania 15. hallucinatory
6. dementia insanity praecox 16. sado-masochism
7. melancholia 17. homicidal
8. megalomania mania 18. hebephrenia insanity
9. delusional 19. suicidal mania
10. schizophrenia 20. catatonia
A person affected by this spell will not notice anything different about themselves, and depending on the type of insanity, those around them may not notice any difference. The insanity is permanent unless negated by a HEAL, RESTORATION, (LIMITED) WISH, or a successful DISPEL MAGIC.
6th Circle
Eater From Within
Hit Point Cost: 6
Range: 9"
Duration: 2 rd./ level
Casting Time: 6
Area Of Effect: one creature
Saving Throw: special
This spell creates a small blood red ball of light that zips from the casters outstretched hand to the target creature and disappears within. Any person that is not immune to disease will be effected by this spell. The spell can be countered with either a dispel magic or with a cure disease spell, otherwise the spell will commence "eating" the insides of its host at the rate of 1d3 hit points per round. While under this form of attack no being can cast spells and all who try to fight have there attack, defense and saving throws reduced by -3 because the pain is so intense.
Flaming Blood
Hit Point Cost: 6
Casting Time: 6 segments
Range: 10 yards + 10 yards/level
Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
Saving Throws: 1/2
Duration: Special
This spell is similar to the spell FIREBALL, except that it douses all creatures in a 15-foot radius with an incendiary liquid that appears to be blood. The area of effect will be engulfed in non-magical fire for 1d6 rounds. Any combustibles within the area of effect instantly ignite. A creature in the area of effect that fails it's saving throw takes 1d4 hit points of fire damage per level of the caster on the first round, and the same damage each round until it saves. The round the creature saves it takes half damage, and the next round it takes none. All the creature's non- combustible possessions must save versus normal fire or be destroyed (the combustible ones don't get a save). A creature that successfully saves on the first round takes half damage for that round, and all it's possessions (including combustibles) are unaffected.
For example, a creature failing it's first save against flaming blood, cast by a 12th-level mage, takes 32 hit points of damage (rolled on 12d4) on the first round. The creature fails it's save again on the second round and takes another 32 hit points of damage. On the third round it saves and only takes 16 hit points of damage and no damage on the fourth round.
The mage must have a clear line of sight to the target area.
7th Circle
Spheres of Fire
Hit Point Cost: 7
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Special
Area of Effect: One 3' radius sphere per level
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Negates
This spell is an enhancement of the second level spell FLAMING SPHERE. The spell creates one burning globe of fire per level of the mage, the globe all appear within 30 yards of the caster and roll in whichever direction the mage points, at a rate of 100 yards per round. The spheres can roll over any obstacle, even a city wall. Combustible substances are ignited by contact with a sphere. Creatures contacting a sphere must successfully roll a saving throw versus spells or suffer 2d4 hits points of damage. Those within five feet of a must also save or suffer 1d4 points of damage. A successful saving throw means no damage is suffered.
The spheres moves in the direction the caster directs, otherwise the spheres will wander aimlessly. Spheres can be extinguished by the same means as any normal fire of its size. The surface of the spheres have a spongy, yielding consistency and does not cause damage except by its flame. It can not push unwilling creatures aside or batter down large obstacles.
If the spell is unleashed on a large source of easily combustible material (such as a city of at least 50% wooden buildings or a dry forest) the is a 25% chance that a firestorm will start. A firestorm will burn out of control for many days until at least 90% of the combustibles are burned. It will also be so hot that it will melt soft metals and crack thin stone walls.
8th Circle
Hit Point Cost: 8
Casting Time: 7 segments
Range: 200 yards
Area of Effect: 50,000 square feet
Saving Throw: Special
Duration: 1 day/level
The spell conjures a 1 foot thick wall of black mist that causes death to most creatures that touch it. The wall cannot be seen through, but sound or objects will pass through it. Any living creature that touches or attempts to pass through the wall must roll a saving throw versus death, modified depending on their level as follows:
Creature's Hit Dice Saving Throw
less than 1 none
1 to 2 -4
3 to 4 -3
4 to 6 -2
6 to 8 -1
more than 8 normal
The wall can be shaped into a rectangle, box, hemisphere, sphere, or just one huge wall, as long as the surface area is 50,000 square feet. The wall cannot be physically disturbed (ie., blow away, pushed, etc.), but parts of it can be negated by a successful DISPEL MAGIC. It can penetrated using an ANTI-MAGIC SHELL, or totally negated with a WISH.
Vitality Drain
Hit Point Cost: 24(see description)
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This terrible spell allows the caster to drain the youth from a victim, revitalizing himself, at the expense of aging the victim. Hardly a spell used by good aligned mages.
The caster first prepares the spell, by casting the eight phase portion of it. He will lose 3 hit points per round during the casting. He then has his level in rounds to make contact with the victim, and begin draining. To drain the youth of the victim, the caster must be in continuous contact with the flesh of the victim during the draining process. The act of being drained is extremely painful to the victim, and is sufficient to awaken sleeping victims, and allow charmed victims a new saving throw. Even if the victim is conscious, however, the draining will continue. The victim must break flesh contact with the mage to break the spell.
The caster is able to drain a decade for every four levels he possesses, ie 20 years at fifth, 30 at ninth, 40 at 13th, etc. Each year takes a segment to drain, a decade drained per round. If the spell is broken during casting, the caster will still have drained a number of years dependant on time of casting (eg contact broken after 2 rounds, 20 years drained). Due to the imperfect nature of the spell, however, the caster only reduces in age by a year for every three drained from the victim.
Both caster and victim will be affected by the change in age. The victim will only suffer the disadvantages of aging (STR and CON loss), whereas the caster will only experience the benefits (STR and CON gain). After the spell, the victim will have visibly aged, with greying hair, and lined, saggy skin. The caster will appear invigorated, with grey disappearing from his hair, and the obvious return of muscle tone. The victim must save vs. paralyze, or pass out for 1d4 turns, if he is drained more than 20 years. The caster will experience a temporary d4 increase in STR (not including that gained from becoming younger), which will fade by 1 point a turn. The caster will also feel as if inebriated, an affect which persists for d6 rounds.
This spell is only effective on humans. Long lived races, such as elves and dwarves, as well as humanoid races, are immune from the spell, and the caster must save vs. paralyzation, or be knocked unconscious if attempting to drain a member of these races. Finally, there is no known cure for this spell, save Wish.
9th Circle
Hit Point Cost: 12
Casting Time: 1 turn
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Two creatures
Saving Throw: Special
Duration: Permanent until reversed
This spell causes the life forces of two creatures to exchange. The caster must touch both creatures simultaneously, at the end of casting without having to make a roll to hit. Any two creatures with a soul or spirit (eg., humans, elves, animals, birds, dragons, fish, etc.) can be affected. Examples of creature's that do not have souls or spirits (as we understand them) are; undead, demons, devils, automatons such as golems, and extra-planar creatures in general.
The saving throw against Soulswitch depends on whether both, one, or neither of the recipients are willing to undergo the exchange. Treat indifferent as unwilling. If both recipients are willing than no saving throw is required. If one recipient is willing but the other is not, then the unwilling target is allowed a saving throw with a -2 penalty. If both are unwilling, then they are both allowed a normal save. A successful saving throw by one or both recipients negates the spell.
This spell is much more powerful when used in combination with the 8th-level spell TRAP THE SOUL. Unwilling creatures that are trapped within a gem prison have an additional -6 penalty on their saving throw. So if one recipient is willing and the other not, and the unwilling recipient is first imprisoned by TRAP THE SOUL, the unwilling creature saves with a -8 penalty. If both recipients are unwilling and trapped in gem prisons, they both save with a -6 penalty. The spell does not release them from the gem prisons, only exchanges their souls.
A creature's soul in a different body has that body's strength, dexterity, constitution, and comeliness, but the soul's intelligence, wisdom, charisma (modified by body's comeliness), memories, and intelligence based skills (ie., languages, non-weapon proficiencies, spell-casting ability providing the body has require attributes, etc.). If the body has extraordinary strength, it can only be used if a warrior's soul enters the body. The body will not radiate magic. The alignment will be that of the soul. TRUE SIGHT, or TRUE SEEING will reveal to a person that previously knew the recipient of the SOUL EXCHANGE that they are no longer the same person.
The spell can only be reversed by a carefully worded and executed WISH (creatures must be touching each other), another Soulswitch, or the will of the original caster. If a creature dies while in another's body, it can only be brought back with it's own body, so if both creatures died this could be a reckless way to reverse the spell.
Hit Point Cost: 10
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 9 Segments
Duration: Permanent (Instantaneous)
Saving Throw: No save
Area of Effect: 1" Cube/Level
When this symbol is cast, it will cause a large volume of inorganic material to simply vanish and cease to exist as if it had never been. This effect is instantaneous, and remains permanent. Only a wish can bring the lost matter back into existence. The volume that is destroyed can be in any shape the caster desires up the maximum volume effected.
If any of the inorganic material is somehow magical, then assign it a value of 1 to 6 (using the guidelines from the magic user spell detect magic where artifacts are assigned a value of 6. This is the basic saving throw number that must be rolled, or rolled under, using a d20 in order for the object to save and not be disintegrated.
If a magic item has powers/bonuses which could protect if from disintegration then they must be taking into account for the items saving throw. An intelligent item cannot be effected by the spell, as it does not count as an inanimate object. A ring of spell turning would not be able to turn the spell, but the roll is made anyway and if the turning is successful, then the ring would get the bonus or be saved completely. A ring of protection would get it's saving throw bonus, while a device of protection from disintegration would always save.
Bane Bone Dust- Admin
- מספר הודעות : 148
Join date : 10.11.10
Re: blood mage
כמה קסמים יהיו חייבים לעבור שינוי, אבל זה אם וכאשר מישהו ישחק את הדמות
MelvinDelvin- מספר הודעות : 319
Join date : 09.11.10
Re: blood mage
וואי זה ממש ארוך.... אני ממש לא קורא את זה
קורנוס לב-צפוני- מספר הודעות : 248
Join date : 11.11.10
Re: blood mage
אני יודע שזה ארוך. זה מיועד לאנשים עם פסיכומטרי גבוה
אתה מכיר את האתר לא?
אתה מכיר את האתר לא?
Bane Bone Dust- Admin
- מספר הודעות : 148
Join date : 10.11.10
Re: blood mage
פשוט כי ברור היה שמישהו מאוד משועמם ומאוד מאוד פנוי כתב את זה.
פשוט כי ברור היה שמישהו מאוד משועמם ומאוד מאוד פנוי כתב את זה.
GodZila- מספר הודעות : 260
Join date : 10.11.10
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